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 Tuesday-Friday: 8:30 am to 5 pm

Saturday: 8:30 am to 4 pm

Sunday, Monday: Closed


Steveston Barbers

120-3880 Chatham St 

Richmond BC V7E 2Z5

Tel 604 277 7815

 We are CLOSED on holidays and most long weekends see schedule below

Family Day Weekend – Feb 15 – CLOSED

Easter Weekend – Apr 18-19 – CLOSED

Victoria Day Weekend – May 16, 17 – CLOSED

Canada Day – Jul 1 – CLOSED

Please DO NOT come for a haircut if you have been sick, or experienced symptoms of Covid-19 (fever, cough, sore throat etc.)  

-Please DO NOT engage in physical activities before your haircut and ensure that you are showered and have washed your hair to keep hygiene levels as high as possible

WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU! Iain, Ryan, Ray and Julian

Iconic, award winning Steveston business established in 1937.

Old school at heart, but modern for style we are ‘more than just a haircut’.

Steveston Barbers #120 3880 Chatham St , Richmond BC